Gendhing Sinugraha, Ladrang Suka Sokur. by I.M. Harjito.

This is a lively piece that is also a beautiful tribute to Nusantara Arts. Pak Harjito used sandi asma writing technique which embeds secret words in the vocal text. The text is about the coronavirus pandemic and the creation of this composition event. the secret words hidden are Nusantara Art, Matt Dunning, and Harjito.

Kacipta lagu punika,

Ing swasana subasita,

Angjangkepi kang rencana,

Ngumpulken para panyripta.

[This melody was created,

[In a polite and respectful context,

[In order to fulfill the plan,

To gather together all the composers.]


Panutup Nusantara Arts. by Junkyung Darmoyo


Bonangan Ladrang Gumregah. by Yohanes Subowo.