Beginner Classes

Beginner Balinese Dance with Riesa Avanti
Dynamic and Expressive Movement! Nusantara Arts 6 week Beginner Dance course is a fun way to get moving and learn the basics of beautiful Balinese Dance

Beginner Baleganjur Class
Join Our Beginner Baleganjur Class! Baleganjur is a dynamic and powerful style of gamelan music from the island of Bali.
Beginner Javanese Gamelan with Heri Purwanto
“Mesmerizing Melodies and Music Theory” Nusantara Arts 6 week Beginner courses are designed to get new gamelan players off the ground running. We discuss and practice basic to intermediate Javanese gamelan skills in an inclusive and fun environment.

Beginner Balinese Gamelan with Tom Torrisi
“Complex Interlocking Cycles” Nusantara Arts 6 week Beginner courses are designed to get new gamelan players off the ground running. We discuss and practice basic to intermediate Balinese gamelan skills in an inclusive and fun environment.

Beginner Balinese Dance 1
Dynamic and Expressive Movement! Nusantara Arts 6 week Beginner Dance course is a fun way to get moving and learn the basics of beautiful Balinese Dance
Beginner Javanese Gamelan 1
“Mesmerizing Melodies and Music Theory” Nusantara Arts 6 week Beginner courses are designed to get new gamelan players off the ground running. We discuss and practice basic to intermediate Javanese gamelan skills in an inclusive and fun environment.

Beginner Balinese Gamelan 1
“Complex Interlocking Cycles” Nusantara Arts 6 week Beginner courses are designed to get new gamelan players off the ground running. We discuss and practice basic to intermediate Balinese gamelan skills in an inclusive and fun environment.

Beginner Balinese Gamelan 2
Nusantara Arts 6 week Beginner courses are designed to get new gamelan players off the ground running. We discuss and practice basic to intermediate Balinese gamelan skills in an inclusive and fun environment.

Beginner Balinese Gamelan II
Nusantara Arts 6 week Beginner courses are designed to get new gamelan players off the ground running. We discuss and practice basic to intermediate Balinese gamelan skills in an inclusive and fun environment.